Not Quite Ordinary Observations
Happy New Year!!!
For Today...Tuesday, January 1, 2012
In the great outdoors...gloomy, sometimes rainy, and chilly.
Within our four walls...coziness. And oddness now that the Christmas décor is all packed away. We rearranged in conjunction with putting up Christmas decorations, so everything looks a bit odd now as we figure out the new normal!
A heart of thanksgiving...for the wonderful visit we had with the Choates.
A heart of prayer...for those still without power after the Christmas ice storm.
Random observations...getting back to normal is proving to be difficult. Hoping to be able to start school on Monday, but I haven’t had much of a fire lit under me to be productive yesterday or today. Just poking along. Gotta get in gear and get back to it!
I’m definitely looking forward to sharing more on this blog in the coming year. I can’t wait to share about our Christmas fun over the next few days!
My silly children...won’t know what to think when I start waking them up on time again! Hee hee hee.
Thoughts from the kitchen...leftovers and the need for a plan to begin the new year.
On my bookshelf...a new Latin series that I’m excited to peruse, several review books, and the “for fun” Spanish Civil War books by Tricia Goyer that my sweet hubby got me for Christmas. I did just finish my first review of the year, Tricia’s new collaboration with co-author Ocieanna Fleiss (released today!). You can read my review here:
Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska
Projects...get the library back in order and do lesson planning. My thought was to work some last week and some this week. Did that happen? Nope. And it was no one’s fault but my own. Now I have one day – tomorrow. That’s perfectly okay, though, because I’ve enjoyed the slower pace of the last week. Tomorrow, the work will get started, and then I’ll nibble at it a little at a time over the next couple of weeks as we get back to normal. I actually look forward to it!
Sounds of the, tapping on Doug’s keyboard and mine, the kids jabbering as they get ready for bed.
Last week we learned...just how accurate a marshmallow gun can be!
A favorite thing from last week...Christmas snow, family time, and delightful visits (even though we missed getting to visit with my parents and sister).
The in the library tomorrow, visit with Doug’s parents over the weekend, and then back to life as usual!
Because visuals are fun...Jack steals the show again. We piled Christmas stuffies around him as we packed up the Christmas decorations. I think he was more agitated when we took them away than when we piled them up!