Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, May 6, 2013
In the great outdoors...clouds, wind, tall grass, and a yard too soggy to allow said tall grass to be cut.
Within our four walls...a bit of highly contagious lethargy.
A heart of thanksgiving...that we are almost done with our core work for the year. I’m looking forward to our light summer load, and the kids are looking forward to more time for swimming!
A heart of prayer...for several health issues within our church family, as well as continued prayer for my grandpa and Dad as he takes care of him.
Random observations...some people have elephants sitting on them. Others feel as if they’ve been hit by a semi or bus. In our family, it’s a giant chicken. For years, this chicken has chased us and pecked us. It is currently sitting on my head while simultaneously pecking at me. And yes, it weighs as much as the elephant or semi or bus.
My silly children...actually just one child right now. Steven now has a nerf rifle. I just heard a “bullet” hit the back of my chair. He’s lucky he has “good” aim! (After all, I’m certain he would never intend to hit his mommy in the back with a nerf “bullet.”)
Thoughts from the kitchen...wondering if my family will tolerate soup today, even though the weather is progressing back to warm. It’s in the 60’s today, but there is a very tempting bag of vegetable beef soup calling to me from the freezer. I think it’s going to happen today, along with a pan of cornbread. Yep, that sounds like it will hit the spot nicely.
On my bookshelf...need to finish Beautiful Battlefields this week and read my chapters for our Desperate book study group that meets on Tuesday nights.
Projects...I’m almost finished with my knit bolero. Just in time, too, because when we finish core stuff the kids probably won’t be reading aloud to me nearly as much. That’s when I get to do most of my knitting!
I’ll have to get started on Steven’s pj shorts and Olivia’s birthday present soon – probably a gown. Oh, and I need to help Steven with his birthday present for Olivia. Less than three weeks! Yikes!
Sounds of the moment...the nerf gun. Otherwise, all is quiet as the girls are finishing school work. I should be about to hear some Latin – I think Steven’s getting ready to watch a Visual Latin session. Yes, just because he considers it fun.
Last week we learned...I can’t remember back that far – too much fuzz in the head today. All that comes to my mind is that we learned the name of Bilbo’s sword. Important information, right?
A favorite thing from last week...the cold. It means the heat is delayed that much longer. Happy thought!
The planner...homeschool graduation dinner tonight (Doug and I are both involved in the program), school today through Thursday, Doug’s mom coming for a weekend visit (Shhh…don’t tell the kids. It’s a surprise!), Chick-fil-A Leadercast with Doug on Friday.
Because visuals are fun...Angie has been putting her crochet skills to good use making a jacket and cap for her little cow Alf!
Bilbo's sword (Sting) and the nerf bullets would be very familiar around our house, too :D Thanks for another peek into your day!