Family Visit 1
The visit was over two weeks ago. The pictures have been ready to post for over a week. And now, finally, I'm getting them up!
January 16 was my dad's 60th birthday. January 15 was my parents' arrival in the States from Jordan. So, we piled into the van immediately after finishing with our first Upward games (well, after we all got showers, that is - we wouldn't have been very pleasant company otherwise!) and headed to Judsonia to help celebrate.
We made Dad a cake - we were nice and didn't make him blow out 60 candles!
And Angela dished up the ice cream.Then, of course, there was much visiting. We began the celebration at my grandparents' house. My sister Alli, my brothers Ben and Tim, and their wives Ashley and DeAnn had already arrived, so we naturally enjoyed much fun with them, as usual. Olivia enjoyed watching Uncle Tim play Nanny's oud.
Steven, as is typical for him, wouldn't interact much with Nanny, but he sure did enjoy his papaw!
More pictures to come! And, no, it won't take two weeks either!