Family Visit 2
Here are some more snapshots from our trip to Judsonia two weeks ago. I already shared my favorite extended family photo, but I need to go through the rest of them. Hopefully it won't be long before I'll have pictures of Abigail to post!

Steven took this shot of Grandpa.
Ben & Ashley just three days before the arrival of Abigail.
Grandma & Olivia

Papaw & Olivia
Uncle Tim, Aunt DeAnn, and Olivia
Mom & Alli (I love this picture, even if my dufus baby sister did intentionally close her eyes!)
Angie & Aunt Alli
No, Steven wasn't very social, so I don't have many pictures of him with anyone. He preferred to help me take the pictures! I'm sure that will change with my folks' visit with us this week!