Southern Polish, Math & Research Papers
It's funny to hear remarks about how torturous it must be to do school through the summer. To be honest, there are some days I'd love to just take the whole summer off. But, we'd all miss it too much. This week has been fun and the kids have launched into our summer schedule with great enthusiasm.
The girls love to teach Steven. Typically Olivia and Angela learn together and then one or both of them actively makes sure Steven learns as much of the information as he is capable of learning. The most recent lesson has been Polish numbers. Olivia is further along in her Polish lessons than Angela, so she has already learned to count to 12 (actually, one day I looked up how to count to 20, and she remembers most of those numbers as well). She took it upon herself to make sure Angela knew all of her numbers. Then they taught Steven. Yesterday Steven wanted to do his number flashcards. I jokingly asked him if he wanted to do them in English or Polish, and he excitedly said, "Polish!"
I wonder how absolutely hilarious our Southern accents would sound to native speakers...(you might need to turn up the speakers a bit.)
Meanwhile...Angela has sped up quite a bit in math. She is very good in math and thoroughly enjoys it. But she was getting quite bored with it. She wanted more challenge. So, we let her speed up. She's been doing anywhere from two to four lessons a day. Only once did she show a struggle with a concept, so I slowed her down until she got it. On Tuesday she proudly finished her first grade math and yesterday she began second grade math. She was so very excited!
And then there's Olivia. This week I told them we were going to start learning about Adoniram Judson in history. Judson is a significant missionary in Baptist life, and my home town of Judsonia just so happens to be named after him. When Olivia heard that, she asked, "Can I do a report on him?" Thrilled, I naturally said yes. Next week she's supposed to write a mini-report anyway. Even though he wasn't on the recommended list I told her she was more than welcome to do a report on him instead of on one of the others on the list. Her reply? "But, Mom! I don't want to do a mini report! I want to do a research project like the one I did on sharks!" The child who fought me tooth and nail on just about everything I tried to get her to write last year now wants to tackle her second research project in a year! Needless to say, that made this mama's heart very, very proud and happy!
The girls love to teach Steven. Typically Olivia and Angela learn together and then one or both of them actively makes sure Steven learns as much of the information as he is capable of learning. The most recent lesson has been Polish numbers. Olivia is further along in her Polish lessons than Angela, so she has already learned to count to 12 (actually, one day I looked up how to count to 20, and she remembers most of those numbers as well). She took it upon herself to make sure Angela knew all of her numbers. Then they taught Steven. Yesterday Steven wanted to do his number flashcards. I jokingly asked him if he wanted to do them in English or Polish, and he excitedly said, "Polish!"
I wonder how absolutely hilarious our Southern accents would sound to native speakers...(you might need to turn up the speakers a bit.)
Meanwhile...Angela has sped up quite a bit in math. She is very good in math and thoroughly enjoys it. But she was getting quite bored with it. She wanted more challenge. So, we let her speed up. She's been doing anywhere from two to four lessons a day. Only once did she show a struggle with a concept, so I slowed her down until she got it. On Tuesday she proudly finished her first grade math and yesterday she began second grade math. She was so very excited!
And then there's Olivia. This week I told them we were going to start learning about Adoniram Judson in history. Judson is a significant missionary in Baptist life, and my home town of Judsonia just so happens to be named after him. When Olivia heard that, she asked, "Can I do a report on him?" Thrilled, I naturally said yes. Next week she's supposed to write a mini-report anyway. Even though he wasn't on the recommended list I told her she was more than welcome to do a report on him instead of on one of the others on the list. Her reply? "But, Mom! I don't want to do a mini report! I want to do a research project like the one I did on sharks!" The child who fought me tooth and nail on just about everything I tried to get her to write last year now wants to tackle her second research project in a year! Needless to say, that made this mama's heart very, very proud and happy!
Even though our kids are in public school, we love homeschooling in the summer! If I try to skip a day they freak out on me! I have MANDATORY Saturdays and Sundays off lol. (for my sake..)
I don't know what proper Polish sounds like, but I bet their accents are adorable ;D