Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, February 21, 2011
Outside my window...a less humid, but still rather warm, morning; birds singing beautifully. We have a wind advisory, but all is relatively still for now.
I am thinking...about the day and the week. Both will be full.
I am thankful for...the restoration of Doug’s computer after a sudden and seemingly permanent crash (as in, the computer seemed to have become a paperweight!). The choice years ago to do year-round schooling. It really takes the pressure off of weeks like this one.
I am pajamas – it’s still early.
I am creating...a better workspace for sewing.
I am remembering...last winter when I was able to greatly delay pulling out spring clothes because it stayed cool and dry longer than usual. Not this year!
I am hoping…long term for a less intense summer; more immediately for quick, smooth progress on this week’s task.
I am be out of town tomorrow, so I’m trying to get some of my normal Tuesday tasks (like this post!) done today.
I am reading...still Girl Talk with God. I seem to be falling behind in my reading. I need to get it finished, get the review posted, and move on.
I am hoping...that the brown lab from down the block will decide that he doesn’t like our house after all. I’ll have to tell you about him another day…
I am hearing...the aforementioned birds; the quiet peacefulness of the morning (no children up yet!).
On my friends the Choates as they are in the last week of preparations to return to the village of Marulaon in the Solomon Islands, but are having trouble working out some of the details of the trip.
From the learning rooms...minimal work this week (math, LA) so I can sort through seasonal clothes. Yes, I know it’s only February, but when it’s this warm, the kids have to have something cooler to wear! Don’t worry, I know better than to put the winter clothes away this early!
Noticing that...the kids were tired this morning. Thankful I didn’t wake them up at their normal time – they obviously needed the extra sleep!
Pondering these words... “[Solomon] warns about being undisciplined. Why? Undisciplined people follow their heart.” ~Iva May, from her blog discussion on Prov 2-4 about the necessity of guarding our hearts instead of following them.
From the kitchen...a menu plan in place. Chicken dishes such as quiche, pot pie, cordon bleu, and peachy chicken were the prominent requests for the coming month.
Around the house...some rearranging. We’ve hit that six-month mark where it’s time to take care of some of the efficiency issues we’ve noticed since the move. Nothing major yet – that will come in the next six months, I’m sure!
One of my favorite things...physical proof of God’s continual provision.
A few plans for the rest of the week...the clothing and household projects, a trip to see my grandparents Tuesday, probably a trip to Little Rock on Friday, a community fish fry Friday night, a bridal luncheon Saturday, and a make-up trip to the library Saturday since it was unexpectedly closed when we tried to go last weekend.
A picture worth sharing...the fruits of Saturday’s labor: a clean, organized garage for the first time since our move. Ahhhh…