Beautiful Weekend
What a beautiful weekend it was! After a longer and more continual stretch of cold than we've been used to in recent years, two days of sunshiny 70's made for an absolutely delightful weekend. We spent a lot of time outside as a family Saturday and Sunday. Doug used Saturday to clean out and reorganize the shed while the kids played - I played to, with the camera! :-) Our time playing outside on Sunday afternoon helped with the adjustment to actually being at home as a family on Sunday! (It was a bit odd to get home from church a little before 11:00 and have the whole day still in front of us.)
Like I said, I played with the camera. I picked just my absolute favorites to post - yep, ONLY my favorites. I bet you can't tell that I like to take pictures!
Take a picture, Mommy!
Playing ball with Daddy - Steven loves to play ball, by the way, and has quite the arm and accuracy. It's a bit frightening!
Like I said, I played with the camera. I picked just my absolute favorites to post - yep, ONLY my favorites. I bet you can't tell that I like to take pictures!
Outside! (Steven's favorite word this weekend!)

Yes, Mommy, I am big enough to ride this bicycle!