Our Famous Son
Doug and I have been privileged this year to start writing book reviews for a couple of publishers. Last week Doug was supposed to write a review of a children's book from Sterling Kids, but he found that someone else could do it better! Want to see who reviewed it so well? Just click here. Now this particular little reviewer is famous - here's what SterlingKids sent out on Twitter this morning...
"The cutest 2 year-old-book-reviewer-ever is fascinated by Roxie Munro's Go! Go! Go!"
I must say, I have to agree - he is definitely the cutest one I've ever seen? :-) Way to go, Steven!
Stay tuned this week...Doug will have one more children's book review on his blog at some point, and I will be writing a couple as well. (My grown-up book reviews will always be on the thoughts blog for those who are interested.) This is such fun!
"The cutest 2 year-old-book-reviewer-ever is fascinated by Roxie Munro's Go! Go! Go!"
I must say, I have to agree - he is definitely the cutest one I've ever seen? :-) Way to go, Steven!
Stay tuned this week...Doug will have one more children's book review on his blog at some point, and I will be writing a couple as well. (My grown-up book reviews will always be on the thoughts blog for those who are interested.) This is such fun!