The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrews

 Andy Andrews is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors for his genre.  Known for his motivational speaking to corporate audiences, Andrews truly is a master of words and ideas. 

Andrews’ most rec_225_350_Book.236.coverent book duo is no exception.  The Boy Who Changed the World is the companion child’s picture book to The Butterfly Effect (check out Doug’s blog today for a review of that book!).  Both books deal with the reality that our actions, no matter how great or how small, have a farther reaching effect than we can ever begin to imagine – possibly beyond what we will ever know this side of heaven!

The Boy Who Changed the World is beautiful in every way.  The writing itself is beautiful.  It begins with the story of Norman Borlaug, the man who worked to develop grain seed that would thrive in places where starvation ran rampant.  He was “the boy who changed the world” by providing food to two billion starving people.  But, would it have been possible for God to work through Norman as He did had it not been for His work through Henry?  Or George?  Or Moses?  One by one, Andrews carries children back through history to see how God’s work through individuals built a growing foundation which allowed Norman Borlaug to accomplish the great feat of bringing a steady food supply to two billion starving people. 

The story is not complete, however, without Philip Hurst’s bold, colorful, full illustrations.  The words themselves literally come to life as they blend with and flow through the beautiful pages. 

It is unfair to review a children’s book simply based on my own opinion when I have three “experts” wandering around the house!  Nine-year-old Olivia was the first to grab The Boy Who Changed the World and read it for herself, even before I could flip through it.  She loved it!   The one catch was that she didn’t quite grasp the flow from one story to the next – the idea of four separate boys being “the boy who changed the world” needed a little clarification for her. 

When I think about the context of the book, however, I’m not sure that the need for clarification was bad.  This is the type of book that needs to be read together.  It needs to be discussed during snuggly story time.  This book just cries out for parent-child interaction.  It creates the opportunity for us as parents to explain to our children that when we are submissive to the leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives, He can do amazing and far-reaching things through us!

The Boy Who Changed the World would definitely rank high on my recommendation list for children (and adults!) of all ages.

I received this book for review from Book Sneeze


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