Grandpa’s 90th
I found my pictures! They were right where they were supposed to be – I was just having a little trouble figuring out where “supposed to be” was. But, now that I’ve found them, I can tell that I have several posts worth of pictures. Yay!
I’ll start with Grandpa’s 90th birthday party, mainly because I don’t know how many pictures Mom and Dad have seen of it. (Excited that you’ll get to be there for #91!!)
Still a cute couple, even at 90!
Two of their three kids – we’ll have to take another one this fall when Dad gets home.
Cake time!
Abigail on her daddy perch waiting patiently for cake. She was in SUCH a fun mood that day!
Visiting.(My uncle Glen in the rocker, my two brothers Ben & Tim and my aunt Polly Ann on the couch. Ben’s wife Ashley in the chair. And, of course, precious Abigail visiting with Aunt Polly Ann. We missed visiting with Tim’s wife DeAnn who had to work that day.
But, there’s no doubt as to who is the most popular one with all four cousins. Yep, Aunt Alli! It took about five seconds for them all to descend on her when we walked in the door.
Although, Abigail did make her little beeline toward Olivia pretty quickly! Aren’t they cute?
Grandma needed some great-granddaughter loving, too.
It was a whirlwind day for all of us – none of us could stay very long. But, it was a good visit. We are so blessed to still have my grandparents. I didn’t know any of my great-grandparents, and even my mom’s parents passed away when I was pretty young. So it’s pretty special to me that my kids have both sets of grandparents and a set of great-grandparents to know.
Happy birthday, Grandpa! We’re thankful for every single year God allows you to remain with us!