Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Outside my window...a clear blue sky and much stillness, a great contrast to yesterday’s dark storminess and phenomenal winds.
I am thinking...thoughts that are so shallow I’m almost embarrassed to admit them: how much I really want cookies right now.
I am thankful for...the flexibility of homeschooling; friends who share fun event information with us; amazing provision
I am wearing...jeans, long-sleeve brown knit top, bare toes (although they’re chilly right now) – odd for me to still be in long sleeves and long pants at the beginning of April!
I am creating...silly monsters, apparently, based on all of the goofy things that have gone on in my home lately!
I am remembering...when my kids were little, truly little. Sometimes I miss that, but then I think about how much fun they are right now and I realize I wouldn’t trade any one time for another. Every age is special. (Although I’m suspicious I might not think that the closer we get to the teen years!)
I am have a productive afternoon. If I say that over and over again enough, will it really happen?
I am reading...The Final Summit by Andy Andrews
I am get caught up on some of the kids’ school stuff – I got behind on a few things and it’s making implementation a little more difficult.
I am hearing...scratching of pencils as the girls do school work in here with me; birds outside; music in the distance – we have it playing somewhere in the house, apparently.
On my mind...marriages. The list of struggling couples I’m praying for seems to be growing. That breaks my heart. Trying to be more diligent to pray for marriages to stay strong rather than waiting to pray for them when there are struggles.
From the learning rooms...finally finishing the Civil War: the girls are reading books to Steven describing what life was like as a soldier and as a nurse during the Civil War; Olivia: math - estimation, money, subtraction reinforcement; LA - gathering information for writing; Angela: math – equations, line graphs; LA – foundations of a sentence; Steven: math – foundational concepts for addition and subtraction; LA – more consonant blends.
Noticing that...I have absolutely no idea what we’re doing in science this week. I forgot to preview it! Fortunately, the lesson plans are done for me…
From the kitchen...leftovers for a couple of days and then a determination to truly return to diligently maintaining a menu plan. I so need that!
Around the house...little projects nagging for my attention. One at a time. One at a time.
One of my favorite spring days that delay that horrid summer heat just a little bit longer.
A few plans for the rest of the week...lots of stuff at home, and maybe a library trip.
A picture worth sharing...not today! Getting pictures off the camera is on this week’s list.