Our Weekend

We had a very busy but very good weekend trip. We headed to Monticello mid-morning on Saturday and had a nice, leisurely trip. The drive was only about three and a half hours, so we didn't feel rushed and were able to take our time getting some lunch and then later stopping at the yummy little bakery we'd discovered in Leland, MS, to buy some more of their addictive cinammon raisin bread! Yum!
We arrived mid-afternoon, and after getting unloaded and settled we headed to the pool. Our kids rarely get to swim beyond piddling in the back-yard wading pools, so we never quite know what to expect from them. Olivia thoroughly loved it! Angie took a little while to warm up to the idea. Steven finally tolerated it, but I don't think he ever enjoyed it. He did look quite adorable in his swim trunks, though!
Saturday night we had a pizza supper with several members of the search committee and their families. (Just in case some of you aren't sure of what's going on, the church in

Monticello has Doug's resume. We went down about a month ago for Doug to supply preach, and they said they might take a while to decide on a pastor, but they wanted to know if Doug would be willing to supply again. He said yes. Then they called and asked if we'd be willing to come this past Sunday, bring the kids, and stay for a "get-to-know-you" luncheon. We were thrilled and agreed! So, back to the trip...) Sunday morning Doug met with the deacons, we had Sunday school and church, and then had our fellowship lunch. It was all really good, at least for us!
So, here's the scoop - there are currently four candidates. The church is spending a weekend with each candidate (we were the second of four), and then they will be making a decision. Would we like to go? Of course! We loved the church and the people. Both of our trips have really been refreshing for us. Do we feel like God's saying, "This is it?" We have no idea, and we were honest with the church about that. We are open and excited to see where God is going to lead us, but we are also willing to stay right where we are if that's what He's telling us to do. We still need full-time income, but we know Who owns the riches of the world!!! We fight anxiety daily, of course, but we're learning that trust lesson more and more each day!