Church in Qatar & Mission Trips

In our Christmas post, I shared with you how our family was able to contribute to the building of a church in the little country of Qatar. Doug was on the ROW website last night, and the first message you see on the home page is one from Ben Mathes, executive director of ROW, sharing that he and his family had the opportunity to worship with that church just recently! It is always fun for our family to see first-hand how what we do directly affects the spreading of the Gospel.

On a related note, there is a way you can pray with our family. There is a set of mission trips scheduled for Eastern Europe for this spring, and Doug is highly interested in going on one of them. We are praying about whether or not this is what the Lord wants for him and our family. As I shared with the girls that we needed to pray over this, they immediately said, "Are we all going?" When I told them that this was a preacher trip, Olivia was okay with that and decided to pray for another opportunity, but Angela actually started crying and said, "But I really want to go on this mission trip with Daddy!" It's not even that she didn't want him to be gone - she just wanted to get to go, too! I'm not sure if she truly understands the impact of such a trip, but she does pray faithfully for others on the mission field who are sharing about Jesus.

So, you can pray with our family not only for wisdom and provision regarding Doug's potential trip, but also that we as a family can discover more and more ways to be involved in missions opporunities. And while you're praying you can also pray that God will open the doors for us to make a trip to Jordan before my parents retire!

I'm excited to see what God is going to do in 2009, both in our family and around the globe!


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