A Really Good Day
Yesterday we were blessed with one of those really good days. Everyone's chores were done quickly and pleasantly, school was great and flew by, the day was pretty and we got to spend some time outside, and attitudes were joyful. Olivia looked at me and said, "I want tomorrow to be just like today!"
Oh that we could just live like that, but as humans we're still slow to maintain what we need to maintain to make every day like yesterday. I've got a lot to learn as a mommy so that I can do my part to see more days like yesterday! But, I'm just going to enjoy them as they come, recognize what prevents them when they don't come, and strive to point my family in that direction as much as I can. Today, to be honest, is looking rather promising as well!
Here are a few fun snapshots I've taken over the past few days. Notice Steven and the cat - now, this cat tolerates a lot from the members of our family, but she'll take more from Steven than anyone else in the house! He literally lays his whole body on top of her sometimes! When she's had enough she gives us a certain little call and we realize he's on her again. But she puts up with it! I think there is a friendship beginning here...

(By the way, this is not a book - it's a catalog. He's addicted to his "catalog books," as he calls them. Silly boy!)
Praying each of you have a blessed day today!
Oh that we could just live like that, but as humans we're still slow to maintain what we need to maintain to make every day like yesterday. I've got a lot to learn as a mommy so that I can do my part to see more days like yesterday! But, I'm just going to enjoy them as they come, recognize what prevents them when they don't come, and strive to point my family in that direction as much as I can. Today, to be honest, is looking rather promising as well!
Here are a few fun snapshots I've taken over the past few days. Notice Steven and the cat - now, this cat tolerates a lot from the members of our family, but she'll take more from Steven than anyone else in the house! He literally lays his whole body on top of her sometimes! When she's had enough she gives us a certain little call and we realize he's on her again. But she puts up with it! I think there is a friendship beginning here...
