Christmas in Monroe
The day after Christmas, we got up bright and early and headed to Monroe for a visit with the extended Hibbards. We found out after we got there that Stephannie and Morgan wouldn’t be able to join us, but we were still able to have an enjoyable visit. I realized after we got home that I didn’t take many pictures, but here are a few!
It was nice to just relax through Monday afternoon. The girls pulled out some sewing – cross-stitch and plastic canvas kits.
Steven had fun playing the peg game, putting mind bender puzzles together, and creating wacky animals.
And what day of relaxation would be complete without Angela finding some way to dress up?
Grandma had found some extra large pipe cleaners on sale one day, and the kids were delighted! They made all sorts of things, including a hippo for Grandma and an alligator for PopPop. But, their favorite creations were their goggles. They fashioned goggles of all colors and sizes, making sure there were plenty for the stuffies as well! Then they are all ready to go swimming. I can’t wait to see what they’ll come up with next time they play with those!
Tuesday morning we had a relaxed time getting up and around, and then we went to take care of a little shopping while we were local to stores other than Wal-Mart. We met PopPop for lunch, and then headed on home to tackle all the tasks necessary to get back to our normal routine.
Another good visit, and an altogether lovely Christmas celebration!