Not Quite Ordinary Observations
For Today...Monday, November 28, 2011
Outside my window...a few dozen leaves stubbornly clinging to the peach tree in the front yard as the wind steadily blows it. It’s a cold, gray day. There actually were very random flurries this morning, but nothing really visible. I could just tell it was snow hitting my face, not mist, as I was walking this morning.
I am thinking...that I am letting this morning get away from me. I haven’t accomplished much.
I am thankful for...cold weather, school flexibility, music, Christmas decorations.
I am sweatpants and a denim shirt. Definitely bum around the house clothes today!
I am extra week for projects. Okay, so that’s not exactly a creation, but that’s where I am right now!
I am remembering...why my planner is so wonderfully helpful. I work so much better when I don’t have to keep all of this stuff in my head!
I am try to figure out what type of holiday treat I want to make for our women’s gathering tonight.
I am reading...Reclaiming Lily and the new Advent devotional my awesome hubby wrote. If you’re looking for one and would like to check his out, here are the links for the different formats:
I am hoping...that much is accomplished and many projects are finished this week so as to allow the following three weeks to be that much more relaxed and enjoyable.
I am hearing...the dishwasher, Christmas music, kids playing – although I’m not sure the playing is entirely happy at the moment. Will have to keep an ear trained on that…
On my mind...people close to me in need of the closeness of our Savior, some for comfort, some for salvation, and some for a reminder of His hunger for intimacy.
From the learning rooms...the mathematical and scientific processes that contribute to the completion of a task; architecture; literary diversity. (Also known as, school is canceled again for this week and the children will be turning their patterns into finished projects, enjoying their Legos, and reading profusely.)
Noticing that...the bickering was short-lived. That makes me happy. Now they are trying to put the cats on the trail of the mouse seen in my bedroom this morning.
From the kitchen...getting all of the leftover turkey put away to be used in recipes. Monday is typically leftover day, but I’m thinking turkey rice soup sounds really, really good.
Around the house...Christmas decorations are up! I love it!
One of my favorite children playing delightfully together.
A few plans for the rest of the week...sewing, digitally creating, reading aloud to the kiddos, writing. Tonight there is a women’s get-together, but I don’t think we have any plans for the rest of the week.
A picture worth sharing...the girls traded pajama tops.