Sewing Upgrade
I had great intentions of getting a blog post up early today. But, something came up that kind of trumped other plans.
Do you see anything different in these two pictures? (Other than the people in the pictures, naturally!)
Yep, the difference would be this!
Last night I joined some of the ladies from church for a Christmas recipe swap party. The fellowship was wonderful, as always, but then they went and made me cry by presenting me with this amazing Bernina sewing machine as a Christmas gifts from all of the ladies at church! (And, for those of you who don’t sew or aren’t familiar with machine brands, Berninas are amazing machines!)
Olivia fell in love with Berninas this summer when she took her sewing class. This was her response when I brought her in (eyes covered) first thing this morning…
(Just ignore the mess in the background please. Thank you.)
Once we got the basics of the machine – or computer, rather! – figured out, this is what we started playing with…fun stitches! Are those not pretty?
I am so thankful to have had my mother-in-law’s Kenmore for the past ten years. But, I have to say, I can’t wait to see what the next ten years of sewing will look like!
To the ladies of FBC Almyra – I can’t say thank you enough!