All About Steven
Our sweet Steven came into this family two years ago today. He has been such a blessing! Yes, there are a lot of pictures, but I just couldn't cut more out. They show different sides of who he is. So, here's a glimpse into Steven...

Steven's favorite things are cars, airplanes, balls, Legos, and of course, trains...

Steven is an introvert who is learning to like people. He's doing pretty well with it, too. We're so proud of him!
Steven is silly and loves to make us laugh. He comes up with the most unexpected things! Yesterday I was standing at the table making the kids' sandwiches for lunch. He crawled up into the chair behind me, pulled me down on top of him, and said he wanted Mommy in Pooka's lap!
Our sweet boy is extremely active and rarely sits still unless it's to discover something new and exceedingly fascinating. These still pictures really do not show his true nature unless you realize that each picture was snapped in a timely split-second fashion, just happening to catch him in a brief posing moment!

Steven loves to watch baseball, VeggieTales, Muppets, and a variety of other shows, including "Pooka shows" (home video of himself or other members of the family). He also likes to watch people, cars, airplanes, trains, animals, and anything else in life that sparks his interest.

Did I mention he loves balls?

Steven is a very thoughtful, sweet, and sensitive little boy. He loves to "help you, Mommy (or Daddy)." He also likes to take care of his family by making sure they have what is theirs. And he insists on giving night-night hugs and kisses to everyone in the house, including a sweet stroking of the kitty each night! Then he gets Mommy snuggles and songs in the rocking chair, always a special time of day for both of us!

Steven insists on having a clean room before naptime or bedtime. No matter how tired or sleepy he is, I always hear, "Clean-up, Mommy!" (meaning that we're to do it together - not as a command to me) followed by the clean-up song he learned at MDO. No messy rooms for this munchkin!
Steven greatly dislikes not getting his way, eating dinner (regardless of what it is!), being separated from Mommy, Daddy, or his beloved sissies, and...did I mention not getting his way?

Happy birthday, my darling little boy! Thank you, Lord, for two wonderful years with our precious son! May he grow to love and serve you all his days!
Side note about the tie...back at Christmas Steven wore this bear tie and loved it so much that he didn't want to take it off! We've been looking all spring and summer for button-down dress shirts for his age and couldn't find them! We finally found one for his birthday so he could wear his bear tie again - and the shirt even has a little teddy bear on the pocket!

Steven is a big snuggler. I frequently hear, "I snuggle Mommy!" So precious!

Steven's favorite things are cars, airplanes, balls, Legos, and of course, trains...
