
It was a blessing to see the sun yesterday! We were so very thankful for the rain and the break from the heat that it brought. It was a nice blessing yesterday to see the sun and still have the break from the heat! The kids enjoyed having breaktime outside yesterday, riding their bikes while I worked to tackle some of the chaos in the carport. It's just been too hot to try to work on it before now!

We are moving through a transition time with Steven in school. He and I are struggling with how to meet his needs, but not his demands, and keep him happily occupied - either with us or on his own - while I teach the girls. Please pray for wisdom and for Steven to get used to being back in school.

The kids are absolutely loving church! They are always so excited to go. It's kind of funny - one of the main things I was worried about in this move was Steven and church. He'd settled in so nicely at Carriage Hills, and I really fought against moving him again. But, he's really done fabulously here at Calvary! I'm so excited! He interacts with people more than he ever has in his life. He runs and plays instead of clinging to me. He doesn't fuss when I leave him. And he begs to go to church! God is so good, isn't He?

Life these days is pretty routine without very much to distinguish one day from the next. There don't seem to be a whole lot of things that just "stand out." It seems like that would get boring, but somehow we never have time to be bored! :-) We do miss Mother's Day Out and the people there, but we really seem to be thriving on the consistency. Occasionally we get cabin fever and need to work out with Doug a time for all of us to get out of the house. But, our life right now is further proof that when God is the Author of the details of our lives, we can be content in any situation. I love the way He does that! It's been quite the blessing to be able to sit down at the computer to blog and to think, "Wow, there's nothing big going on!" I like getting to share the tidbits of life. So, welcome to the new phase of Hibbard life, and the "tidbits" to come!


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