Not Quite Ordinary Observations

For Today...Monday, May 2, 2011

Outside my window...more rain; the yard that had dried on the surface by the weekend quickly flooded again.

I am thinking...about how much more delightful the sunshine is after days of clouds and rain.

I am thankful for...the fact that we were able to get the yard mowed and gutters cleaned before this next bout of rain; the fact that the rain we were supposed to get yesterday didn’t come, so we’re not going to be quite so flooded; and more seriously, the fact that we can trust God explicitly and always, no matter what the circumstances.

I am wearing...jeans and a 3/4 sleeve pink flowered top. Can you tell a real cold front came through? It is 52 right now, not expected to get out of the mid-50’s! Yes, I like it!

I am creating...a plan for the week. Not very fun creativity, I know. But, it is necessary to establish a plan and get back to some sort of structure if I am to ever return to more fun creativity.

I am much I love the book Jane Eyre. I have read it so many times and know exactly what is going to happen, but I am still completely caught up in every moment. It’s so hard to put it down! But, I must, for I have another book to read for review and many other things to accomplish this week.

I am return to a habit of exercise and more disciplined eating. The lack of exercise and abundance of Easter chocolate have not been kind to me.

I am reading...Jane Eyre (obviously) and Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters by Darlene Brock

I am hoping...for a productive day and week.

I am hearing...the pitter-patter of a steady rain through the open window; birds calling to one another; Steven playing happily; the girls answering him occasionally from the school room.

On my mom as she travels from Jordan today and my dad as he stays behind. After last night’s announcement, now is not the safest time for Americans to be traveling to and from the Middle East.

From the learning rooms...I honestly don’t know yet. I haven’t begun to plan for the week. Although, I do know that Olivia will be finishing up a biographical sketch of George Washington Carver and will be officially learning how to write a book report.

Noticing that...rain is much more pleasant when it isn’t accompanied by tornado-bearing thunderstorms.

Pondering these words...
Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him, and to let him know that you trust him. ~Booker T. Washington

From the kitchen...probably teriyaki deer today (sounds so authentic, doesn’t it?!), plus menu planning for the rest of the week.

Around the house...hand-me-downs that need to be sorted, groceries that need to be put away, and a nice, cool, fresh breeze as the open windows let in the wonderfully cool air.

One of my favorite things...God’s peace that is totally independent of circumstances.

A few plans for the rest of the week...a planning meeting tonight for Rec Camp – our local version of VBS; normal school; a trip to Little Rock on Saturday for the Historic AR Museum’s Territorial Fair; enjoying Mother’s Day at home with the family.

A picture worth sharing...Steven playing with Knox Hillman before church yesterday morning. It was just too cute!

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I'm listening to the rain too. SO GLAD the boys got the lawn mowed yesterday when it was dry.

I can see why you couldn't resist that photo of Steven - so cute!

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