Steven is silly - oh, wait! I think that's probably obvious! :-) On Thursday he cut two of the four teeth he's been working on for the past three weeks. YAY! He also is showing that he might truly be a baseball fan! He's always loved balls, but lately he has seen evidence of even a baseball player on tv and has gone nuts. The other night he sat quietly and intently watching the entire intro to the All-Star game - just enthralled with the players themselves. Isn't he a little young for this? I wonder what the years will show.
Angie loved our long driveway this morning! We decided to brave the heat for just a little while

Olivia and Steven had fun on their bikes, too. Steven hasn't grasped the pedal concept on his little three-wheeler, but he goes to town with those feet moving. He loves all types of terrain, too. When he wants to stop, he picks up his feet and lets himself roll to a stop. Olivia is trying to strengthen her control so she can get rid of those training wheels very soon.

Olivia's still enjoying her Little House books. She finished Farmer Boy in about ten days - including our move. She started On the Banks of Plum Creek and is already 100 pages in. We're going to have to get to the library VERY soon before she runs out of books! :-) The other day she was describing to us the process of making a rocking chair, something she had read in one of her books a couple of days before. Doug and I both remember learning so much from biographies and historical fiction (and still do!), and we're thrilled that Olivia also seems to enjoy learning about people and their stories.

Doug is getting used to being in the office, we're getting used to having him gone longer stretches of the day - but loving having him home for lunch! I'm getting used to being home EVERY day. Being down to one vehicle will continue to take a bit of an adjustment, but we're doing well so far.
Next week I'll be working on the schoolroom, so hopefully we'll be able to finish up those last little tidbits of school very quickly after that. Please do pray - we thought we had a nice last paycheck from UPS coming our way, and that was going to cover all of the remaining expenses of the girls' school material. (We saw it posted online as a paycheck, and deductions were sent out to the Medical Spending Account and a few other things.) But, no one has actually seen the check itself, and now it no longer shows up online. Please pray that it will either show up or that God will show us very clearly where the provision is coming from.
Oh! The fleas seem to be gone, I did not see signs of roaches this morning (thanks to the advice of a friend, we're hoping that bleach down the drains will help with that!), and it looks like Smokey is, indeed, pregnant after her time outdoors several weeks ago. Life is fun! :-)